Monday, August 2, 2010

Life can be so unfair.
~cooking meals takes hour but eating it takes only few minutes.
~constructing a buildings takes six month but blowing it up takes 30 seconds.
~Earning up 10 000 takes 30 days, but but paying the cashier 8000 for a product only takes a seconds.
However its pretty much amazing that
~ a one second kiss on your cheek can make your day,
~ a five second glimpse on your crush can make your week and,
~ a ten second hug can take away your one year of pain !

Sigh.. idk if wad i am feeling right now is right or not . Things turns up eventually without me knowing .. How can i simply ignore it ? i don't know wad should i do . wad is the right thing i have to do ? .... you are not doing wad you should do . in fact other people are doing it ! but shouldn't it be you ? so complicated right now... seriously i dont want to talk to you about this ! i dont wish to !! cause i knew wad i'll get in return ! just your bloody stupid WORDS and it hurts me so damn badly!

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