Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hey i know i've been pressuring you.. i know i've made you stress,frustrated,annoyed etc.. i couldn't help myself.. i don't know why i really want this relationship to goes on. even with my first stead , i wasn't like this (seriously) there is and there must be something special about your that i can't bear to lose. i knw i've made u angry,sad,i'm sorry.but u nvr fail to tell me that i'm forgiven . thank you :) i really can't believe that this is happening.. everyday before i go to sleep, i wished that we'll patch back and when i woke up, i thought it was just a bad dream(that we broke up) but when i saw your messages i realise it wasn't a dream.. it was rea.. and i start to cry.. i cried alot but i'm not feeling better.. you know wad, when we were about our 2nd or 3rd month, there was once i felt like breaking up with u.but i didn't.. i secretly gave you a chance. hoping that things will be better (so called hoping that there will be miracle) and things do get better :) so why can't u give me a chance ? we will tgt make things better. (it takes two hands to clap) i never regret being with you,  i nvr regret loving you. wad i regret is that i can't make you be mine again ! i;ve done,tried everything i could (not saying i;m wasting my time) but why can't you give yourself a chance? give me a chance? i did told you about my family prob right? i felt like i'm being ignored by them including my bro. and recently my parent had a fight. and you know wad? my mother is thinking of divorcing.. you get wad i mean ? they are too busy wif their stuff that they forget about my bro and i . its like they have not show/give their love to us anymore. so when i met you,when i start loving you,when i start having relationship with you. i feel safe and comfortable and most of all i get to feel your love ! even when we go through thick and thin, i knew that you will always be here with me. i knew i still have you with me. you remember when i'm jealous about you and caili? i was so damn jealous that i cry and hate her cause i scared i will lose you and i scared you will fall for her. but i kew you wouldn't :) you still remember at food court? i was writing something and you thought i was doing math. you know wad i write? i write points/reasons why/wad i enjoyed being with you.. 1)i get to be by your side 2) i get to see you smile 3) i get to hear your laughter 4)i can randomly sing 'you are my sunshine' to you 5)i feel safe and comfortable with you 6)i get to pei you 7) i can/get to hold you 8)i can randomly say' i love you ' to you. 9)i can be myself when i'm around you. 10) i can laugh like a retarded and you don't mind :) 11) i get a goodnight wish and a indirect kiss every night 12) i get to share all my prob wif you. 13) i am happy being with you. For now i may have 13 points but if our relationship goes on, i might have more to add. we've been tgt for 6 month and you wan this to end just like that ? like i said lets give  ourselves a chance? we will tgt make things better? i'm sure and i believe we can. i am willing to wait for you. i am willing to give a chance. but the question lies on you. are you willing to do so ?i really love you from my bottom of my heart. i know just now i've send a msg and say 'for the very last time' ignore that cause i'm gonna give up here. ! i just can't/won't give up on you ! i just hoped you understand how i feel . i hoped you will give yourself,me and our relationship a chance. i will never give up on you! and i hoped not to receive "but i gave up on relationship le" or something like that. i hoped to hear "i'm willing to give another chance and continue this relationship" think carefully.. i'll be waiting for your ans.. i hope not to drop a tears when you ans me .. *finger crossing*

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