Friday, April 8, 2011

it may be a bronze to the judges but a rich silver band to us ! :)
it doesn't even matter :) its all the hard work that we put in and we all DID enjoyed ourself :) WOOHOO :D good job :)

huhu :) yesterday, after performance, i cried with a happy tears ! TEARS OF JOY :) It was simply awesome. I was like "is this my band?" hahaha ! but when reach sch, gotten the result, we ended up getting a bronze, i cried again :( it was so hard to believe it . Well even when i expected that we will get bronze i don't really want it to happen... Haiz, then went eat dinner at KFC with Rebecca, her treat :) hahas :) But the judges really don't know that we improve tremendously ! That's why no point crying over split milk... we can judge ourself :) and we know that we are a STRONG SILVER BAND ! and no one can deny that !! :) 
So today aft sch, went watch movie :) Rio :) was awesome :) enjoyed myself :) ahaha ! i was posses by Blu now ! hahas !! LOLOL ! Then aft movie , went and find Teck Whye ppl at seoul Garden. Met them and say Hi. Met Yueqin and was over excited that everyone stare at us !! :D okay then Teck whye results is : COP. :(   feel sad for them .. but its over liao... 
Seriously now, i don't know what to say. I don't know if i should say.  I seriously don't need you to emphasize on that f***** word -.- Do things at the right time please. i freaking pissed abt this and i am rather sad and disappointed too !!! ugh forget it.. BYE.

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