Thursday, December 16, 2010

Today was fun but tiring leh. Sectionals with teck whye so fun lo^^ hahaha laugh like retard!!! Goodness. ^^ then dance dance!!! Fun fun fun lo!!!!! Nyohohoho... Then went meet syafiq and jane at northpoint.. Tired.. From there on like no mood cause tired. Then aft that go causeway wait for shane to go home and put his sax. So we eat lunch there. Then went queensway shopping centre buy bag. Yayness ^^ then dance at mrt station hahaha!! Then went civic level 6 dance dance again. Then kena chase out. Alamak. So now i am home. Everytime go out with wonderfools sure frm morning till night ^^ nyohoho!!

You asked me once and i reject you. I am sorry. I don't think i am ready for another relationship. My heart is still close despite all the good things. Please dun call me dear. For i am not your dear..... I just don't wan to see myself in the situation that i could not take it. I don't wanna see myself fall AGAIN. I don't wanna get hurt neither do i wanna see myself crying over a guy!
I am so sorry but to reject you again.
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