Thursday, June 30, 2011

wah.. i've not post for long long time :(
Been busy and don't feel like posting..
Am i doing to much? Why am i letting all the stress to me? Even if i am doing/trying too hard, no one will notice, Even if i want the best out of it, no one knows. Its like as if i am invisible and never get credit. Yes, people now a days very smart, they'll do their way to be NOTICED. Then whats the need of me now? you do on your own la.  No point i do it. Seriously no point.
Why must he always be praised? Have not i improve?! Again, am i invisible? -.- this is seriously freaking irritating ! 
ugh enough of all this !
What she said is true, i may lost someone, but there is sure someone better that will go to you. That really happen to me :) Without knowing , someone actually waited for me just to walk home together. Even if we have to separate at the bus stop. Thats pretty nice :D
At the same time, i find a certain people very irritating :( like stalker :( I don't feel like going to facebook anymore. Because whenever i appear online, POP there is a message. UGH. and it never stop. The poking on facebook becomes reality :<  seriously WHAT THE HELL ! :< 

well... nothing else to say. BYE .

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