Saturday, November 27, 2010

Oh my god!! My voice ^^ sexy ^^ hahahaha... Sore throat like finally. First day camp shout till my lungs came out but nvr get sore throat.. -.- camp end then have LOL. Everyday camp, rain! And we all still continue doing the activity despite the rain! Fun kayaking in the rain ^^ woohhoo ^^ haha.. Bet i am gonna get sick one day. 1st day of camp, i woke up in the middle of the night, and cried in pain! Seriously! My hands,leg are all pain and cold!! Really cannot tahan and i cried in pain to sleep. Then i took panadol and sleep. The rest of the days, i manage to sleep well ^^ i manage to overcome my fear of hieght ^^ weee~~ hahaha.. I miss the fun :( i want go there again!!!!! 5 days 4 night only but time flies so fast.. Aw.... Hah....
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