Thursday, November 18, 2010

During our first monthsary,he gave me a very cute small soft toy. Then he gave me a blue pilot pen as a replace of my pen that he misplace. Then he gave me a so called braclet that he made using wire during dnt lesson. And he said this "if one day your hand is small enough, wear it" then somewhere to our 4month, he gave me a 99 heart that made of straws. And every movie we watched, he was the one who paid. And our last movie tgt was on the 25 of jun. All this gifts is very precious. But of all of this gift, the gift that i treasure alot, love alot and care alot is HIM, the guy i truly love. This gift gave me alot of love,care. This gift made me jealous whenever i saw anyone trying to take him away frm me. This gift made me feel safe and made me be myself. But unfortunately, i lost this gift. I lost him. So who ever that found this gift, please treat him with alot of care and love. And most important thing, don't ever ever hurt him!! If you found him and if he belongs to you one day, do sing to him 'your are my sunshine' cause i sang to him that too!
Your truly,
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