Wednesday, July 21, 2010

hey readers (: i'm sick !! hahaha ! ): having flu and feel cold every time .
1st day- keep sneezing non-stop. 2nd day- sneeze and cough 3rd day- sneeze,cough,shivering ):
just now went sch , during national anthem and school song i was shivering damn badly ( but no fever O.o) ! feel dizzy too ! thn after school song zhao hui ask for tissue cause his sweating and he said his hot . and i told him he hot , i cold ! lol. thn azmi heard me . he ask i sick ar? thn i said yeah . thn he go tell cher . thn when i was walking to the back , was damn damn dizzy ! kinda like fainting . lucky never ! Thn went home sleep all the way . wake up dizzy again . Now feel better abit :) then was forced to eat ): eat porridge only lo since i no appetite . now BORED ): haha .

~~ HEY YOU ! I want and i need you by my side (BADLY) ! ): ~~

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