Thursday, December 31, 2009


P.S: Happy new year! 2010 Here i come! (:lols
gosh! school is reopening soon! i need to finish up all my homework! i still couldn't find a printer to print my hw! i'm pissed off! arghh!! Now what! i dunno what to do! See lah band al your fault so many band until i couldn't finish my hw! lols school reopen first three day got band for sec 1 oreitation! sigh! isn't holiday was meant for us to rest and enjoy but why must there be HOMEWORK! 100% sure first day of school kena scolding wan! ~ = =

-Athirah ;

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

i won't regret it!

I probably shouldn't say this but at time i get so scared
it's not possible for me not to care. but nothings gonna changeuntil u hear the 7 things i hate about you!
The 7 things i hate about you : your vain, your game, your insecure, you don't care, you like her, you make me laugh you make me cry i don't know which side to buy.And the 7th thing i hate the most that you do you make me love you!
it's awkward and silent as i want for you to say, what i need to hear now your sincere apology.
If you mean it i'll belive it, if you text it i'll delete it lets be clear! oh i'm not coming back! and i mean what i say!

I'm giving up on you! i'm seriously giving up! you make me hate you and i guess its the right thing to do!
And no way i'm gonna regret it. But we are still friends and thats the most important thing.i know what i doing and i think i am doing the right thing. i won't regret it for sure! now i'm saying "goodbye my love"


Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Yesterday just finish one hw! tomorrow i'm gonna do my history.
Yesterday had band very bored.Today also the same -.-
Drills was fun! sectional drills so ..... sigh.
 i'm so bpred and tired too.
This few days i've been very emo eventhough ppl ddn't noticed. i dunno why i'm so emo lols.
sigh.Am i having a problem ?? I also dunno. = =
bye for now!


Saturday, December 26, 2009


HOHOHO! Merry christmas everyone!
yesterday when singapore expo; Mega metro sale.Bought alot of things.
THen went hall 6B watch TAUFIK BATISAH!!!
So many ppl i can't go to there front. lols! i'm way far behind. but still i can see him lols!  (=

Yeah! my hw left THREE only! then BOOM FINISH!


Sunday, December 20, 2009

What a day!

Hey there...
i'm not in a mood rite now. currently having flu!! lols
Yesterday.. such a bad day. i've lost my mom phone! LG touch screen phone!! To my surprise she is not that mad lol in fact my father is the one nagging..she still have the mood to shopping. so we went Bishan mall.
She bought two new bags n i bought a pair of shoes lols.
Then we went amk hub. Then saw a marching xmas band lols. very funny sia.
Argh!!! i'm freaking out with my homeworks! i still have much to do!
Today flu. the next following day fever. lols.
Well thats all. i wanna finish all my homework asap!
bye c u when i c u!


Thursday, December 17, 2009


phew today just finish doing my math chapter 4! n my science!
Gosh i still have many more to do!
Argh!! its freaking me out! lols!
Sometimes when i'm alone,
i will think of u.
&& i will never stop think of you!
&&i'll never let u go! bahhs!


Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Today was totally boring!
the whole day i sat infront of this computer!
Change blogskins n i took me the whole day lols!
I totallyi didn't touch my hw today! gosh! sigh!i will do it tmr!
btw the pic on top is done by shane! nice rite?? hahaha!
Thank u sister! (=
i need a rest rite now!
bye! see u when i see u! (:

Special thanks to :Shane aka Sister!


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pissed off!

Yesterday went band. Aft tat watch movie at band room DRUMLINE.
Just now go sch buy books then go cwp buy the books tat out of stock.then went home change shirt then rush to the library. Went meet adawiyah. we waited for Diyanna,azura n shane for abt 1 hlf hr!!!while waiting i meet Alqaldri,mushroom,max,sunny(my classmate),Hafiz(trombonist)n,1 clarinatist,Sharifah n syaza!!!!!!!!!!
WOW! Can't imagine one by one!! haha! aft self study.
went timzone take pic!! pose here pose there.hahaha!
thn went home.
Adawiyah! y r u obsess with him! gerl i wanna noe y u so obsess with him! LMAO!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The day has come!

phew! Friday is the day the band have been waiting for.. i'm in charge of the fan booth... i was like robot kept on repeating the same line "Hi would you like to buy a fan? 1 for $1"? hahaha... finally all sold out!! yahhooo!!
Aft senior play March willing n able then they play bolero. i ask my cousin when the flute solo did he hear he say yes! Good Sam!(:
Aft bolero its the junior turn! i was so damn nervous.. Aft shaking hands with Zane,wee kee,Diyana,all n hug them including Zane i gain my confidence! Aft we play furusato sir shout "Bravo"!!! phew!!
then senior n junior join play Gokusen,Yorkshire n Mamamia.
Aft the 15 min intermision,senior play helter skelter. which i dunno how to play.

Sam: u noe how to play?
Athirah: nope
Sam:GG lorh *smiling*
Athirah:*roll eyes*
Sam,Athirah: Laughing

Aft tat American beauty.

Sam: wanna play?
Athirah: me play American beauty??!!
Sam: nod his head *smiling*
Athirah:Ok sure (: i'll act as if i noe how to play.. that will do (;

then we play Galaxy express! (:
end bravisimo2 with Gokusen! (;

Eventhough it was successful i went home with a sad face ):

Thursday, December 10, 2009

1 more day!

Hey... pheww aft all the hard work finally tomorrow is the day... BRAVISIMO 2!!!!!
I hope i am not going to make any mistake...
Jia you everyone!! we can make it happen!! whooo!! lol!

Me-Zane: u go zane!! play better thn me hor (: gd luck!
Me-Sam: PLAY BETTER!! especially Bolero n Galaxy express! (: Gd luck bro!
Me-Jie zhi: Work on ur Alvamar Overture!(nothing to say actually) Gd luck to u too! (:

To all band members..
sleep early,have a nice rest,drink alot of water(plain water)
Together we will make it ! (:


Sunday, December 6, 2009


Hey there..
Today was so damn bored! My bro went sleepover at my cousin hse.My dad went out with his friends n My mom went out too with her friends.I bet thier show is going to start soon*fighting*
its really hard n not fun having a family like this.Why cant we have a happy family?? Sigh.

You gotta take the good with the bad:
smile with the sad:
love what u get & remember what u had:
learn to forgive but nvr forget:
learn frm mistake, but nvr regret:
ppl change, things go wrong,
just remember life goes on.

Luckily i have band tomorrow.At least i will not stucked at home doing nothing.Band camp last mon&tues was fun(i guess)lol.Gosh tomorrow there will be drills.With my leg cramp how am i going to do drills? Sigh.

5 more days to the concert.I wonder how many ppl will turn up? Hmmm.
3 more days to vince 13th birthday!

I heard someone whisper your name,
but when i turn ard to see who it was,
then i realised that it was my heart telling me that
[I miss You.] 

Sunday, November 29, 2009

congrats bro!

hey there i'm back...
first thing i would like to congratulate my bro...YOU MADE IT TO SECONDARY SCHOOL!!!
tomorrow band camp!! i hope it would be fun!! oh ya... last friday i went to the mosque (hari raya haji) aft praying i went to the back...there was 100 goat(kambing)... i touch and feed them... i feel pity...*sad* itu lah kata org satu PENGORBANAN....
yesterday my family and i went changi village..we walk ard the pasar malam... then when we are walking towards the carpark,we saw a group og gay from far..then we didn't walk that way..."eee tak sopan betul"
just now just came back frm wedding ceremony...then went home... i wanted to follow my aunt play kite but my parents didn't allow... sigh...
well c ya next time...will post more abt the band camp! (:

ira cau!(:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Hello there!! This week damn bored no cca!! but still have to practice but my flute got prob leh...then have to prctice fingering ONLY ... sigh... i'm hungry haven eat dinner yet... *stomach pain*
Thursday psle result out... gd luck to my bro!! watever dun cry hor!! hahaha :D
sigh.............. i think i'm missing someone... this few days i can't sleep....thinking of him maybe...
this feeling have been hunting me! arghh..

*thinking of him again*

Sunday, November 15, 2009

happy birthday bro!

Hello! yesterday mt family and and my aunt's family went yishun(north point) celebrate my bro birthday 12 years old... lol...
aft cut cake we watch movie 2012 hahaha! it was fun,scary.... ^ ^
lol but my bro didn't enjoy it *roll eye* sigh... 2morrow i got cca!! ):
lol bye!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Today is wednesday... stuck at home facing this com ONLY!!! its damn bored!!! arghh...sunday the bad day is coming! my religious exam tis sunday! yet i haven study... GOSH!! what i do at home?? eat,sleep,watch tv,play com n msging... where goes my study?? GONE!! hahaha!
I'M SO BORED!!! MSN~~~11 people on9 but none of them say hi or wat...not even 1 chat with me!!! handphone~~only faizan u noe!!!! grrrrr...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hello there! (= what shall we talk abt?? hmmmm...
yesterday i didn't go bored u noe!! i was at home eat eat eat...i eat 3 plate of rice 1 bowl of noodle then at night order KFC!! omg i eat alot i'm scared i become fat oh no!! hahaha!! (;
Just now do my holiday hw..half only then stop..
actually i have nothing to talk abt.. i'm really bored!! dont noe what to do!! i will suffer this sch holidays!!! arghhh! *roll eye*
post when i'm free...
c ya... tc !
ira cau! ♥

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Hey there... long time nvr post...
kay lets talk one by one... i've got good news!! I pass all my exam and my position in class is 2ND!!!! :D but quiet disappointed coz i cannot go to express n i am not happy with my overall percentage...bahhs... well at least i got the 2nd up... i've borrow this malay book..kaulah satu...its a novel... this novel is so fun n not boring... i read it 3days then finish... lol -.- i can't let the book go :D i wish my "Jay" come... haha...the love story in this book is so "wow"! haha but the problem the author is facing quiet sad... lol.... next up...just now my religion it is so scary... haha... but i think i've give my best! (you go gerl) then aft my class go kfc with amalina n syafiqah... they keep on talking abt zuhri *roll eye* there was one amalina n syafiqah is waiting for syafiqah dad to fetch them... then zuhri was there too waiting for his dad to fetch him...i was not there..this is wat amalina told me... then syafiqah and amalina shoutmy name "ATHIRAH"!!!! then zuhri turn looking for me.. gosh!! :D *paisey* hahaha...kay well tmr wanna go study with irfan now thinking who to ask to join...U?? NAH!! hahha...
bye! see u next post!! tc♥

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

yeah!! MY team win! SPAIN! 3rd place! we will be receiving medals!!
i am not quiet happy with one of my team mates... she nvr cooperate yet want to get medal! damn ah! _l_
ah!! tomorrow got cca! oh ya i forgot to tell u... i was posted to flute... (= eventhough its quiet tough..but i will try my best! (= support me yea!

ira cau!

Friday, October 16, 2009

hey here i am once again... i got 3 things to talk abt...

1) this particular person never come to so boring u noe!!!

2) i am happy that i am 1st in class for malay!! yahoo!! i've been wanting to be top student for at least one subject!! finally my dream come true!! (=

3) thats it... (= hehe...
thats all for today update u if anything happen....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

YAHOO!!!! exams are over...
i wonder why am i like this....
what am i thinking?? what am i feeling??
idk -.- bahhs....
something happen to me one of the day....
And i feel somthing strange...hmmm
could it be that i fall in OOHHHH NO!!!!!
not possible... ahh... dun wanna talk anymore...hehehe

bye tc

Its me ! haha ! i go my aunt hse jln jln..
while waiting capture here n there lorh ! (=

me playing guitar...
nothing to do boring... -.-

First day of HARIRAYA!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy birthday to me!!!! 19.9.1996!!!
yeah!! today is my birthday!! yeah tomorrow is Hari raya! yahoo!
Yesterday went to cut y hair !! i was not happy with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cried the whole day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! today my birthday doesn't seems special....
Only some of my friends wishes me... but i get no present!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )=

well thats all for today!

ira cau! (=

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sick ! Sick !

Hey... i'm having fever rite now..)= it started on sunday with 39.4 but i never go see doctor then m0nday i see doctor with 37.9 only!! if my temperature increase like on sunday i would get more days of mc tau!!! but i only get 2 days of mc... haiz... so bored tomorrow need to go to sch... but i still having fever...should i go?? exam are coming soon..well i guess i should then..sigh...

ira cau! (sick)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Just now i go library with irfan and adawiyah...we study together... then aft study we go timezone take new print.. pose there pose here.. fun sey!! then the pics turn out very nice!! we decorate it..write that write haha!! End of the year i wanna take more pic!! hahaa!!

thats all..

ira cau! (=

Monday, September 7, 2009

wah!! yesterday syiok sey... my family and my mother's friend go spg renggam buy kuih for hari raya... then we go ayer hitam shopping..then shopping again at angsana..then break fast at pizza hut...yumyum!!! then go home jam sia...heavy traffic!! reach home at 12 am!!
well thats all for now!

ira cau! (=

Friday, September 4, 2009

ah!!!! somebody just confess to me!! (= what am i going to say??? i dunno if i like hym anot!! tats the prob...sigh.....

well let me think kay


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

)= sad sad sad day!!!

i've been trying to forget u but i can't until u tell me that u love another girl...
i lied my feelings towards u !! i just couldn't take it...
its simple n easy for u to say... but its not so easy to understand my feelings...
plsplsplsplsplspls forget HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

heart broken!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Today nothing much happen... but yesterday very bad sia..
mr richard scold scold scold until he nvr teach maths no mood -.-
haiz... teacher's day coming hope that i can buy something for them...
but what ah??? hummmmm
ah think ltr la...

ira cau ! (=

Friday, August 14, 2009

today okok...
but yesterday so not good!!
i am angry with this person!!
i wish i can tell u more but i don't want gossip here n there
oh ya!! i pass my geography test! yahoo!! i bEAT her!! hahah!!! (= jk!
c u on the next post...
i wanna go to my god mother house c yea! (=

ira cau!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

hey i'm back
don't know what to say...
yeah!! tomorrow celebrate national day..haha
i can't wait to see the performance..(=
and i hope our class will win for designing thing larh..

******happy national day to u !*******

haha.. so lame rite??
well thats all for today..

ira cau!! (=

Sunday, August 2, 2009

hello there,
today i had so much fun laughing whit my friends and teacher...
haha... i was the one making them laugh!! so fun! (=
so sian tomorrow need to go to sch! haizz... -.-
boring sey...
but i got band tomorrow so quiet fun lah...

thats all for today

ira cau (=!

Friday, July 31, 2009

sad!! )=

I hate my life!! my life is sucks! my life is miserable,complicated and full of sadness!!
Why can't i have a normal life, normal family!!! I hate to feel all this different kind of feelings!! ahh!!
thts all for today! Can't take it with my feelings!! ah!!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sian! )=

Today, my group do the presentation for english! One or even Two of them didn't show any respect at us! I bet they anyhow give me the marks! But at least some people show respect n they even tell me good comments! thank youu!
Very what sia!! $#%/ !! i hate them arh!!!!! )=

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hello there...
new blog...
link me yaeh!!