Saturday, July 2, 2011

I can't believe you are still trap in my mind.
Went out with my mum today :) only two of us. Haha. Accompanied her to a show at yishun safra. Went wash car and pass by northpoint. And you came into my mind with all the memories we had there. Haiz. Aft that my mood really went downn.. Cause I still have tuition at night :( told my mum I don wan tuition also. Mdm aishah also don encourage tuition. LOL. I rather have piano class which I have been asking for 4years!! :< I guess i'll be getting soon :) wee.

Ystd plan was to msg you today. Ha.. I guess I am too coward. :D I dont know why, but I cried to my sleep. And I was awake when sir called me, telling me the plans for tues and thurs when he is not ard. Lol. He even said "this is not dream hor. Ltr u tell me, I dream of you calling me telling me what to do" LOLOL.
Yay monday no sch :) youth day.
Mothers day, fathers day we celebrate.
Then youth day no present no nothing ?
Thats sad.. LOL.
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