Saturday, July 30, 2011

Is it meant to be or is it just a coincidence.
Hello people i am back from OBS. Hehe. It was awesome ah. My group so shiok ah. Haha. Miss them and instructors alr. Hehe. One of my instructor name is the same as my cat name. Gary. Haha. Alot of nemorable things happen. I could not forget it. My shoulder is aching due to the tracking with heavy bags. My arms is aching too as we kayak for few hours. I am so not going to try flying fox again. Haha. Scary like hell. It was fun sleeping in thr tent. It wad fun cooking together. My group photo is simply the best. Okay thats all. Haha. Bye.
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Saturday, July 23, 2011

"Your son join competition among the whole singapore you dont know?"
Wah.. he ask for silat, you let him in in few DAYS. I ask for piano class you have not let me in for few YEARS alr. Wtf.
My basic days of cca you dont even know, you still dare ask my teacher why i came home late. I tell you abt my band being a leader you also dont care. Our performance you also never came. I went for camp you never send me nor fetch me. Biased like hell!! You only know how to nag and scold me only . Be proud of him only la. Your daughter just let her go hell. Can already. What a life.
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Friday, July 22, 2011

wooo i've not been posting for very long time alr ! :D aahaha!
Band investiture was awesome :D finally no more stress :) but yeah something happen and i have to step back ! wth. its still very early to do so ! :<
RHD was simply awesome :) i plan it :D wee. but was given a job to sit at AVA room only. seriously don't like it!
So i am going for OBS on monday :( SO bye bye! won't be posting for one week :o
i don't like how we are grouped :( HATE IT :(

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I don't understand :( when I do too much, no one notice but people still can say I not doing my job :( you want my job? Can. My pleasure, come and take my place. Feel how I feel when people don't cooperate well with you. I don't know what to do. I am scared. Yes I am just a normal acad girl. Ugh. I don't want to say abt this alr. It makes me sad. Really sad. Idk how to do my job tmr. Idk how to face you all tmr. Somehow I feel I am doing a wrong thing when its actually a right thing. All this just give me a massive headache :<
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Friday, July 8, 2011

Yesterday was a dooms day ! I totally don't care what people going to say. I care, I say. I cannot take it that they are behaving like this. I shout, I yell. You hate me I don't care. I am doing this for your own good. Its hard to lead a group of people! You think you can do a better job? Come here and take my place. I almost breakdown infront of them but I control myself. They might think I am crazy getting angry at those small things. But those small things can become bigger if you're not aware. If things not gonna change, then you'll see me as a bad guy then. You'll see me yelling everyday! This situation made my day today so dry. I had no mood to do anything. Seriously don't know how to calm myself now...
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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A single text from you can change my mood at any moment :D

Now I am totally pissed off with my dad ! Like damn seriously ! I don't even want to tell what happen. But I shouted at him and he stare at me. I stare back and I don't care if he is going to beat me up.
Fml. Ugh. Don't feel like going home when he is at home 24/7.. What a shame!
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I dont even know why its bothering me . I dont even know why when I enter my room, I look at all those stuffs.
A photograph can bring me back to that particular time. A letter, can bring back those memories. A bear can make me smile. A wire braclet can bring me laughter. A movie ticket can bring me joy. My pen that you misplaced, you replaced it with a new pen that gives me confident.
The way you hold my hand made me feel secured. The way you touch my cheek when i'm cold, made me obsessed with you. The Way you made me happy is just too sweet. The way you call my name, made me fly. The love you gave me is too precious and the 99 hearts you gave me, can never replace your heart.

I don't know why I am being random here.
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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Its the 5th again....
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Today school not bad la. I freaking tired and no mood for everything. Haha. Went and play piano during recess and was chase out because theres pe :( sad. Then the stupid elective module was damn boring !! I went for band straight after that. Was shock :o haizzz... Luck mr ong not there. Oh I get to paint my room!! :) hmmm what colour shd I use... :D
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Monday, July 4, 2011

Yesterday so epic. I though there was religious class, so my dad sent my bro and I there then suddenly one aunty say dun have! Woah. Waste time. Haha. Lucky my dad still there if not need wait again. Haha. Epic lo. Then at home facing com only. Evening my mum want to go out and went ssc :) I wanted to eat shushi , but they don't want. So ate fried maggi :D haha. Then I thought we going home, then idk why my dad drove to angmokio then back home.
Today I really feel like cleaning up my room. But idk what to do and where to start. Ha :( I really cannot tahan see the same old funiture at the same place for 9years!! I can't even shift the funiture. Idk why the past owner made it stick to the wall. And all my funiture is wood :( I hate it... Gahh.. I want to get rid of everything ! And I want to have a new nice room :D ha..
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Saturday, July 2, 2011

I can't believe you are still trap in my mind.
Went out with my mum today :) only two of us. Haha. Accompanied her to a show at yishun safra. Went wash car and pass by northpoint. And you came into my mind with all the memories we had there. Haiz. Aft that my mood really went downn.. Cause I still have tuition at night :( told my mum I don wan tuition also. Mdm aishah also don encourage tuition. LOL. I rather have piano class which I have been asking for 4years!! :< I guess i'll be getting soon :) wee.

Ystd plan was to msg you today. Ha.. I guess I am too coward. :D I dont know why, but I cried to my sleep. And I was awake when sir called me, telling me the plans for tues and thurs when he is not ard. Lol. He even said "this is not dream hor. Ltr u tell me, I dream of you calling me telling me what to do" LOLOL.
Yay monday no sch :) youth day.
Mothers day, fathers day we celebrate.
Then youth day no present no nothing ?
Thats sad.. LOL.
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Friday, July 1, 2011

I miss you. I want to talk to you so badly. And idk why but today I seems to have the urge to msg you so badly.. But I did not.. I am scared. Scared that you find me irritating, scared that you will not like it. Even just to say hi to you via msg, I need lots of courage :( how.. What should I do ? Why am I like this ? Why am I so scared ?

Why am I like this ? :( you are still in my mind. This is hard. Its Freaking hard to forget you when I see you almost everyday. I wonder how you manage to forget me? If you can why can't I ? Why must I take so long to forget you? WHYYYYY ?? :(
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