Monday, May 9, 2011

Tomorrow starts the second phase of MYE. Math paper one. I dun know what to study. Looked through my notes only.. I am so nervous and scared if i cannot make it. I have the feeling that i will flunk all my subjects :( i am still chiong-ing with my art :( and i now i am sick! :( bad cough! And my asthma attack me this morning :( mummy asked vince pei me see doc.. But by the time he woke up, he call me, my asthma gone :D not totally gone but was not that bad though. So its a relief.. But he keep asking me see doc despite my asthma gone. LOL. He even bought me porridge and send it directly to my house :) haha.
Woah i seriously want to study.. But i don have the energy and mood :( walao... How... I very scared.... LOL.. :(
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