Sunday, May 30, 2010

This is horrible

Just three days i'm now missing you ! ); this is horrible ! ); );

Friday, May 28, 2010

Exams are over, holiday is coming ! Damn damn damn !! Isn't holiday is meant for us to enjoy ?? why is there CCA and HOMEWORK ?! 
Report book given wasn't so happy with it ):
9 in class ): percentage so low ! haiz ..

i wanna go out !!! -.- its so bored in here ! 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010



 can`t believe i did badly for my exams ! ):

my results totally pissed me off ! Damn ! Ahhhh !!
What should i do ? I`m sad and disappointed...
Can`t do anything now but i can improve next time :) hopefully !!

Dear exam,
i really hate you !!  Why must you exist in this world ?? =.='

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Wohoo! Exams are OVER! like finally.. :D

14/05/10 :D great day!

Went watched movie with sunny,weiteck,Melvin,Shixuan,jordan,kai sheng and erin.
:)) enjoyed myself :)) looking forward for another outing during the june holidays :D

15/05/10 :D 

O.o :)) 100th days !! like Finally? LOL.. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Glad that history,geography and science are over ! :))
feeling kinda down today .. 
i look at myself and asked , why can't dreams become reality? why must i push so hard ? i gotta be patient. If there is a will there is a way. I gotta find the way. I'm not gonna follow this path ! It's too hurt for me !.......(10 min later) i say to myself, Silly girl, forget it ba ! Don't look into others and compare. everyone is different so am i. it takes patients and time. wads the hurry for?? the time will come so don't worry :)) Don't worry Athirah !! XD


mixed feelings.

Happy, because i see you.
Sad, because i cant touch you.
Ecstatic, to see your lips form a smile.
Depressed, because your lips haven't touched my cheek in a while.
Jolly, when i say i love you and you reply i love you too.
Angry, watching you stress looking threw the glass and i cant hug you.
Overjoyed, when u look me in my eyes and i shyly look lower.
Hurting, leaving you there with so much on your shoulders.
Joyful, of the thought of us making love to one another.
Heartbroken, at the thought of..tonight.. us not being together.
Cheerful, that you are okay and staying strong.
Bitter, because its been 3 months way to long.

i never mention names :))

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Athirah.. why you hate him?? 
IDk.. i just hate him :P but still love him..
zzz =.= 


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

OMG! The more i see you, the more i grow hatred towards you bitch!!
The way you talk and the way you make ***** laugh pissed me off!!

Today i've planned to do something but didnt work! Now i can forget about wad i want to do! the more i think about it the more pain it feels! it will never happen! i'm sick of waiting,trying and wondering! 

Nothing makes me happy today! 

Sunday, May 2, 2010

♥ them lots!

Today kinda boring.. -.- zz.
Didn't go religious class ): missed it ! ):
Anyway last long weiteck and erin (:

(: yesterday go jb, i get to meet my beloved mother!! ((: father,big sister and big brother :D 
so long never meet them..(miss them ma) haha.. had a long chat with them yesterday (: haha. the last time i met father his hair still black.. yesterday met him all white liao.. haha i so bad i go laugh at him.. haha! Big brother so bad! he call me "memek" -.- zz all thanks to big sister cause she call me memek first then big brother follow! hate them lerr.. :P 
sigh to bad cannot sleep over at their house ): maybe vesak day (: gonna miss them ): ): vesak day then can meet them again. Aww.. ): its been so long since last year that my mother never hug and kiss me! ): ): ): But i'll still love them!! I love you very very very very much!!(mother,father,big sis,big bro) i'll miss you too! ): (miss me too yea) haha..

zz. idk want go rp with firdaus tmr..? later kena bully again sigh.. hate him ler! Better not :P haha LOL.
I'm gonna end here. BYE! :D